Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I thought it would be fun to do some different contests, drawings, interviews, etc. on this blog. I will be doing one weekly, so be sure and check back often........We have some FABULOUS vendors!!
Today, we are doing a drawing for one of these awesome camera strap slip covers. Amy of http://www.priddycreations.blogspot.com/ has a great eye for fun fabrics and her sewing is perfection.
The first 10 photographers to leave a comment will be submitted for the drawing for one camera strap slip cover. The FIRST person to leave a comment AND purchase the guide automatically gets a FREE strap cover!! Get to leaving those comments!! Thanks Amy for your wonderful donation!

Have a beautiful day,


amazing grace said...

OOOhhhh these are super cute!!!!! love them!!! :)

love the straps and love your guide natalie!

Scrappygirl2u said...

These are really cute! love the different fabrics!

The Chad Beck's said...

very cute! So talented!!!

Desiree' said...

Oh, count me in on the contest!!! I love these!

Robyn Guy said...

Love the covers and the guide sounds fantastic!

kpool said...

Really cute stuff! Can't wait to get my guide!

Tara Miller Photography said...

I need a strap so badly - I am always saying I wish I had mine but somewhere in the mix I lost it! A super cute one like this would be FANTASTIC!!!

Jeanette Krzyzek said...

Wow! These look incredible! How exciting! I'm happy to have found this site! I'll be sure to pass it along to all my photog. friends for sure!

Jeanette K

Andrea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andrea said...

Gah... blogger messing up.
Those straps are so cute! I love them.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm past #10 so sadly can't be in the drawing I guess but still had to comment on how super cute these were! I want one for my bday this weekend! lol

Garthe's Photography said...

Darn #12. These are cute. Just wanted to comment to say Hi!