Monday, August 18, 2008


I know we all love a good contest.........especially when the winner receives a FREEBIE! Go to my friend Amy's blog and leave a comment for your chance to win a fabulous camera strap cover. Go check her out and make sure to tell her Nat sent you :)

Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Special Rate!

The weather was so nice today....which is rare for the 'friendly' state. As a result, I thought I would have a sale on the guide! The first 10 people to purchase will receive the discounted rate of $50. There is a BUY NOW PayPal button to the right. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Found interview....In the Spotlight with Shelby Lane

I was cruising the net and found this awesome photographer and an interview she posted on a photography forum. I thought I would share here. I particularly like her comment about pricing.......check it out :)

And her personal blog.......she offers workshops too :)

Have a wonderful Monday!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pinkle Toes 4 Photographers

I am currently a member of this group and plan on renewing my membership this week. She takes a limited amount of members and I find the goodies VERY rewarding. Just today I used a featured template and created a "flip book" for a client. It includes images from a maternity session on one side, flip it over and it includes photos from the newborn session. I plan on printing this from ACI.

Here is a link to join PT4P.

Stay tuned and I will share some photos from the Flip Book I created.

Happy photographing :)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Slide shows...

I recently decided it was about time I started doing online slide shows for my clients. I purchased I found it easy to use and my clients love it. I also have Pro Show Gold. This program helps me transform the slide shows to a DVD for my clients. I haven't actually used Pro Show Gold yet, but hope to learn the program soon.

Email me if you have any questions!
Enjoy your weekend,

Friday, July 18, 2008

Deal of the week....

My goal has been to offer a special, drawing, contest, etc. every couple weeks.

Today's special comes from Michelle of She is portfolio building and is offering clients 20% off their logo design.........HOWEVER, if you tell her you found her on Capturing Innocence, you will receive and EXTRA 10%. Michelle created my Capturing Innocence logo and was AWESOME! I found her very helpful and timely.

The first person to leave a comment below, received a complimentary biz card as well.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

and the winner is....

Sorry for the delay in the results. It has been crazy over here. Tara, please contact me so I can get your camera strap. Thank you all for your comments. I will have another contest this weekend........stay tuned :)
Have a wondeful rest of the week...

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I have not forgotten about the drawing. I was going to have do the drawing but between the business being busy and getting ready for a garage sale (YUCK!), I dropped the ball. I will get my daughter to help draw tomorrow.......stay tuned.

I also forgot to take the special pricing down......look slike some of you got to enjoy the special a few days longer! Glad you have you purchase the guide. If any of you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Off to get ready for tomorrow's big drawing :)

Until then...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I thought it would be fun to do some different contests, drawings, interviews, etc. on this blog. I will be doing one weekly, so be sure and check back often........We have some FABULOUS vendors!!
Today, we are doing a drawing for one of these awesome camera strap slip covers. Amy of has a great eye for fun fabrics and her sewing is perfection.
The first 10 photographers to leave a comment will be submitted for the drawing for one camera strap slip cover. The FIRST person to leave a comment AND purchase the guide automatically gets a FREE strap cover!! Get to leaving those comments!! Thanks Amy for your wonderful donation!

Have a beautiful day,

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Trifold is finished!!

I worked all day on this fabulous 5x5 trifold which is now included with your guide. This trifold is perfect for newborn sessions, but can be tailored to meet any needs you have. I am hoping to create one similar for family and child sessions...stay tuned!!

Be sure and click on the images to see larger. I am not sure why these photos were seperated. This 5x5 trifold will look great printed at WHCC with their linen finish and beige envelopes.

Have a wonderful Sunday!


I have decided (call me crazy) to offer this guide at a special price of $50 to the next 10 buyers!!

I have also had some request to make a trifold which includes information on newborn sessions. I will be creating this today and tomorrow and it will be included as well. If you have already purchased, I will send you the template when I am finished creating.

Thank you all for your support!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fun website...

My goal is to post something useful to photographers a couple times a week.....whether it be an informative blog, a tutorial, or maybe an interview. Stay tuned for upcoming posts.

Today's link is the Pay it Forward Photography blog. I have enjoyed reading this blog and love the free goodies as well. Be sure to go and check them out!

Have a beautiful day!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

~Exclusive template Sample~

Thanks to Leah (see photographer's resources to the right), we have these awesome baby announcement templates included in this guide. These templates are exclusive to Capturing Innocence!

~Finally Completed!~

I have been working the past few months on this guide I have titled, "Capturing Innocence". This guide is perfect for those of you who either want to tap into the child photography market or are starting out in the photography world.

This guide includes the following:
~Prop Ideas
~Posing Ideas and Visual Samples
~Helpful Vendors
~Marketing Tips
~4 Baby Announcements (2 of which are EXCLUSIVE to Capturing Innocence)
~5 Birthday Invite Templates
~1 Christmas Template
~A copy of my policies and procedures
~Sample Pricing of a la carte and collections
~Over 70 pages of information
~and MUCH, MUCH more!

I am so excited to be offering this guide to you all. When I first started my business, I spent MANY, MANY hours researching information. I have decided to share that information with you in hopes of saving you time, sharing ideas, and jump starting your child photography business.

I am also offering a mentor program. I will be taking a limited amount of mentorees. Please contact me at if interested in details.

To purchase this guide at the introductory rate of $80 (will be $100 soon!), please leave me a comment or email me at the email address above to purchase. The buy it now to the right is for the full price of $100.....and I know you want the special price :)