Monday, August 18, 2008


I know we all love a good contest.........especially when the winner receives a FREEBIE! Go to my friend Amy's blog and leave a comment for your chance to win a fabulous camera strap cover. Go check her out and make sure to tell her Nat sent you :)

Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Special Rate!

The weather was so nice today....which is rare for the 'friendly' state. As a result, I thought I would have a sale on the guide! The first 10 people to purchase will receive the discounted rate of $50. There is a BUY NOW PayPal button to the right. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Found interview....In the Spotlight with Shelby Lane

I was cruising the net and found this awesome photographer and an interview she posted on a photography forum. I thought I would share here. I particularly like her comment about pricing.......check it out :)

And her personal blog.......she offers workshops too :)

Have a wonderful Monday!